If you are a patient and believe you are experiencing a life-threatening emergency, please call 911. Adult patients, please visit Duke Neurology, Duke Neurosurgery or Duke Spine to make an appointment. If you are not a physician and are seeking an appointment for a child, visit Duke Pediatric Neurology or Duke Pediatric Neurosurgery.
Refer a Patient
Duke MedLink is the quickest way to refer a patient. You can get a Duke MedLink account here.
Duke Neurosurgery
Fax: 919-668-1221
Duke Neurology
Fax: 919-668-0374
Specialty Services
- Cerebrovascular Care: 984-800-5834
- Duke Comprehensive Epilepsy Center: 919-385-3223
- Duke Neurology Memory Clinic: Please fax this referral form to 919-668-0374
- Duke Sleep Disorders Center: 919-684-2057
For referrals to Duke Spine, please visit the spine referral page.
Visit Refer to Duke for general information.