Duke Health Referring Physicians

Duke Health is researching treatments and vaccines to help end or slow the spread of COVID-19. The following clinical trials and registries are available now for any health care workers and patients who qualify. Click here to learn about more ways to help. 

COVID-19 Clinical Research and Trials

View all COVID-19 clinical trials currently enrolling or about to enroll through Duke investigators.

Duke Vaccine and Trials Unit Vaccine Research Volunteer Registry

Joining this registry to participate in a COVID-19 vaccine study lets Duke Health know to contact you about vaccine research studies for which you may qualify. Vaccines are being tested through the Coronavirus Prevention Network

Pandemic Response Network: Duke Community Health Watch

This study is an IRB-approved 28-day symptom monitoring program that aims to improve our understanding of COVID-19 as well as ensure that community members have their symptoms closely monitored and managed. We are enrolling patients who have flu-like symptoms, who have a COVID-19 test pending, who have tested positive for COVID-19, or who are concerned about a known COVID-19 exposure.


The Molecular and Epidemiological Study of Suspected Infection (MESSI) study will follow patients with suspected or confirmed COVID infection for up to one month and will perform viral, serologic and genetic studies. To learn more about Duke Health research opportunities that involve antibody testing or plasma donation for patients with confirmed or suspected COVID, please email DukeMESSIStudy@duke.edu.

HERO Registry

The Healthcare Worker Exposure Response & Outcomes (HERO) registry study is a large, national clinical trial helping to generate evidence we urgently need to fight COVID-19. Through ongoing surveys, healthcare workers can share their priorities and concerns, which will be used to inform future research projects.

For questions or more information, contact the Duke Recruitment Innovation Center at MyResearchPartners@duke.edu or 919-681-5698.