Duke Health Referring Physicians


Duke Among Top Two Lung Transplant Centers by Volume in United States

More than 2,080 transplants as of March 2020

The Duke Lung Transplant program, offering one of the shortest median wait times in the United States, surpassed the 2,000-procedure threshold in August 2019. As of March 12, surgeons have completed 2,080 transplants … and counting.

“Because of our expertise in second and third procedure transplants as well as multi-organ procedures, we believe we can continue to help more and more patients who face challenging diagnoses,” says John C. Haney, MD, surgical director of Duke Lung Transplant Program.

The program’s long-term experience with extracorporeal membrane oxygenation (ECMO) as a bridge to transplant makes the program a referral center for complex cases, says John M. Reynolds, MD, medical director.

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